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June 4, 2012

TSA and EU Reach Air Cargo Security Agreement

On June 1, 2012 the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the European Commission of the European Union (EU) each issued a press release announcing an agreement to recognize each other’s air cargo security regimes.

As detailed in the EU press release, once fully implemented, "Air carriers transporting cargo from EU airports to the U.S. therefore no longer need to apply different measures, but need to implement in full the EU legal requirements which lay down obligations on the screening of consignments and on a regulated secure supply chain... The EU also recognizes the U.S. cargo security regime as meeting the recently adopted EU requirements for cargo being flown into the EU from third countries."

According to the TSA press release, while the U.S. has recognized other countries as having equivalent air cargo security, this is the first time such recognition has been provided to a union of nation states. As a result, private industry can now move cargo though the 27 EU Member States, the U.S., and Switzerland without conforming to different security requirements depending on the destination of the cargo.

The full text of the TSA press release can be accessed online at:

The full text of the EU press release is available at:


USTR Provides Update on TPP Negotiations

In a press release issued May 16, 2012 the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) provided an update regarding negotiations between Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members which took place in Texas earlier this month.

According to the release, U.S. negotiators reported better-than-expected progress, with specific achievements that included:
- Closing discussions on small- and medium-sized enterprises
- Moving toward closure on crossing-cutting issues of regulatory coherence, deepening of regional supply linkages between TPP countries, and promoting development
- Further developing tariff packages that would provide access to each partner's industrial goods, agricultural, and textiles markets
- Discussions concerning specific commitments on liberalization of services and government procurement markets

TPP partners include the United States, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. The next round of negotiations are scheduled to take place in San Diego, CA from July 2 - 10.

The full text of the USTR press release can be accessed online at:


USITC Releases Report on Impact of Modifications to GSP

On May 25, 2012, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) announced the release of a public version of their report entitled "Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2011 Review of Additions and Competitive Need Limitation Waivers" which focuses on the economic effects of possible changes to the GSP program.

The report provides advice on the following:
- The likely economic impact on competing U.S. industries, on U.S. imports, and on U.S. consumers, of the elimination of import duties on certain polyethylene bags for all GSP-eligible countries.
- The likely economic impact of the elimination of import duties for a number of Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) subheadings, covering certain cotton waste and carded or combed cotton fibers, for all least-developed beneficiary developing countries.
- Whether any industry in the United States is likely to be adversely affected by a waiver of the competitive need limitations (CNL) for 9 HTS subheadings from specified countries.

According to the release the investigation was initiated at the request of the U.S. Trade Representative. The report may be used to determine future changes to GSP-eligible products imported from certain countries.

The full text of the news release is available online at:



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